Eyebrow Laminations
What is a Laminaton?
Eyebrow Laminations, also known as Eyebrow Lifts, are a trending eyebrow service that helps to enhance and define your natural Eyebrows. Put simply it is a perm for your eyebrows. This 2 part chemical process lays your hair flat and all in the same direction, giving them a more uniform and defined appearance. It will help to cover any gaps and will create a fuller look for any brows. This service is one that ANYONE can benefit from.
Are Eyebrow Laminations safe?
Eyebrow laminations are completely safe as long as you go to a trained professional. With any semipermanent service we will always encourage you to do your own research. Although eyebrow laminations are a safe service to get, they are still a service that requires the use of chemicals. If done incorrectly or done with poor quality product, your hair can be over processed, leaving it dry brittle and possibly broken. In absolute worst case scenarios you could potentially be left with chemical burns on your skin. Lastly There is always the potential for an allergic reaction, if this is something you are concerned about make sure a patch test is performed.
Can your Eyebrows be Tinted after/ with an Eyebrow Lamination?
The answer is YES! Tinting with and Eyebrow Lamination is not only safe but it is encouraged! It’s the cherry on top! The icing on the cake! It takes your service to another level, adding even more definition. The risks with tinting are all the same as listed above so taking the same precautions is encouraged.
Before your appointment
Avoid any sort of Chemical exfoliation. Light physical exfoliation is ok.
Avoid any extended exposure to the sun. Any level of sunburn will result in your appointment being rescheduled.
Make sure you stopped taking any contraindicated medications at least 2 weeks before your appointment.
After your appointment
Avoid washing/ wetting your eyebrows for 24 hours.
Avoid sun exposure for at least 24 hours.
Avoid touching the area.
No makeup for 24 hours.
After 24 hours use sun protection to ensure the longest lasting results possible.
After 48 hours exfoliate the skin AROUND your eyebrows, avoiding the actual eyebrow hairs.
Apply a hydration brow serum daily for best and longer lasting results.
Moisturize skin daily.